Three cities join mutual aid program

Three Nebraska utilities recently joined the Nebraska Municipal Power Pool’s Mutual Aid Program.

The City of Grand Island, City of Wymore and City of Beaver City all signed agreements to participate in the mutual aid program.

The program, which partners with the League of Nebraska Municipalities, was developed years ago with the vision of helping communities in need through mutual assistance.

NMPP staff coordinates utility crews, trucks and equipment necessary to repair or replace electric distribution systems damaged by storms. Mutual aid requests can be made through NMPP’s Operations app for Android and Apple phones as well as the NMPP Operations website for desktop use.

Currently there are 72 Nebraska communities participating in the program along with seven Colorado communities and two Kansas communities.

Requirements for communities to participate include utilities signing a program agreement, providing documentation of equipment and applicable insurance and completing a data request survey.

The Voice of Choice

“ACE has returned more than $74,000 to the City of Neligh through its revenue return program. We’ve always used our ACE funds for community improvement projects such as a county-wide alert system, playground equipment and other park improvements.”
Dale Wilkinson
Neligh, Neb.
Two girls on playground swings
"On top of providing revenue back to our City ACE also offers local groups the opportunity to participate in community clean-up events, which benefits our community and provides funds for local groups."
Tricia Allen
City Clerk, Blue Hill, Neb.
Child playing
"The distribution of ACE funds back to the Gordon community have assisted with a skate park, needed repairs at the community swimming pool and equipment for our police department."
Glen Spaugh
City Manager, Gordon, Neb.
Kids on bikes giving thumbs up
“Our community has used funds from ACE’s revenue return program for many projects, including assisting with umpire fees for the summer ball program, general park improvements, signage for Mill Race Park and Blue Bird Trail, and upgrading the camper sites at Mill Race Park.”
Shelly Wieneke
Deputy Clerk, Atkinson, Neb.
baseball scoreboard